Cannabinoid Hyperemesis syndrome

Brianica • Mama to my sweet little Armani💙 24 years young ❣️

Has anyone ever experienced this? If so can you please leave your experience down below? I’ve been a regular smoker since I was 17 (now 22) but it seems this last year or so everytime I smoke I feel like I’m dying. My heart starts beating so fast and hard it feels like it’s going to stop. I will also feel like I can’t breathe. And if I stand up I’ll feel lightheaded. Only thing is from what I’ve read CHS includes tons of vomiting which doesn’t happen to me. Also these symptoms come no matter how much I smoke. I can take literally one hit and this will happen. I used to be able to smoke multiple bowls back to back and blunts too and feel great. I’m just really confused and can’t figure out if it’s all in my head or if I should actually be concerned for my health. Anyone else ever experience this type of thing? 😅 I did have a baby 19 months ago idk if that changed things or what. 😩

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