Ectopic Pregnancy!


Hey guys I’m looking for all the help I can get! I am currently 4 days away from being 7 weeks from my last period! Two weeks after my period ended I started spotting (I have done that before when becoming pregnant but never normally in my cycle like that). I stopped taking this medication called “conception” because I thought maybe that could be what was doing it. I have taken several tests and received very very faint lines some days and clear negatives the next and haven’t received a clear positive. I haven’t spotted or anything since then until today and if I wouldn’t have looked when I wiped I probably wouldn’t have seen it because it was barely anything. I have had dizzy episodes to where it feels like my blood pressure was dropping and I was about to pass out but that has only happened twice. This evening I have started having shoulder pain. I tried messaging my doctor and haven’t gotten a response yet so just wanted to see if anybody has experienced this before.