Can't wait to feel better!

Elizabeth • Baby Taylor number 1 coming July 2016 💕👪😍👶🏼💕
Since I found out I was pregnant at 3 weeks I was already being sick every single morning and feeling weak and nauseous.. Week 5 came along and it became so bad I was hospitalised for 24 hours to have antisickness injection and IV fluids. I haveHyperemesis  Gravidium . They also prescribed a 4 times a day tablet to stop me being sick. For 2 weeks I was well and able to continue working, until last Thursday it came back and with a roaring Upper urinary tract infection which made my sickness and dehydration worse! Another injection and put on the drip before changing my tablets to the strongest antisickness tablet out there! Since then I've been well again.. My point is I am SO excited to begin my second trimester as hopefully this awful morning sickness will disappear! I'm so happy I'm pregnant but absolutely drained and exhausted! Lost a lot of weight too when I'm trying to put it on! 😠😩😕 BRING ON WEEK 13+ !