Cry it out method


My son will be one in 2 weeks. He was doing some what good at sleeping my husband would feed him his bottle when he would first wake up during the night then the second time he'd wake up all he had to do was put his pacifier in his mouth and walk out (I'm pumping at he's doing all this) not when he feeds him or even try to put a pacifier in his mouth he freaks and won't lay down. He wants us to hold him as he sleeps (he's in his own room) the minute we put him back in his crib he wakes up and crying and sits up or stands. He has never slept in our bed and when we've tried he's confused and just wants to crawl around our bed. Please no judgment just asking has anyone done the cry it out method? Has it worked to get them to sleep? How long did it take for sleeping to get easier? We've done the Ferber method didn't work for him.