Finally! 😍❤️ #2

Had a miscarriage at the end of august after being in my first round of clomid since we struggled with infertility with our first. It took us 2 1/2 years with no medication.

I got bumped to 100mg and took it after my cycle started sept 30. I took a cheaper pregnancy test on October 28 and I could already see a faint line. 😱

So I took a first response test on oct 31 and it was darker then any test I’ve ever seen so early. I went and did blood work yesterday (11/1) and my results are 71 hcg and 40.2 progesterone. Keep in mind my expected period is today 11/2. I go back tomorrow for more blood work and I’m hoping it doubles.

With my first born, my hcg was only 37 and progesterone was 9. So I’m very hopeful that this could be a sticky bean!

I can’t share it with anyone I know because it’s a secret for now until we confirm a heart beat and do an ultrasound.