I just need advice at this point…

My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and we have been pretty inseparable since we got together. We are with each other for at least a little bit of time every day. There have only been a few days where we haven’t seen each other. And it’s fine when we don’t I just get a little lonely after awhile. Anyways the other day my boyfriend and I were out doing something and he texts me and says hey babe I made a new friend. Then I go and I meet his new friend and I meet his friends girlfriend. They seem nice. His girlfriend and I chat a tiny bit and him and my boyfriend are talking a ton. I can tell my boyfriend really likes the guy. Which is good I mean my boyfriend doesn’t have very many friends and he only works with one other guy but he is old enough to be his grandpa and they aren’t friends. Yesterday my boyfriend texts me while I’m working and days oh guess who I’m with and.I go oh you’re with the guy and he says yea and I can tell he’s really happy and excited and for some reason I just got really sad. Even when I met him and his girlfriend I just got a little sad. Then today he started talking about his new friend again and I got sad. I thought it was jealousy that he was going to spend time with his friend more than me but I am pretty sure that’s not the case now. I have been thinking about it and I realized I think I’m just sad because I don’t have any friends. My only friends are my boyfriend and my sister. I work a retail job with all younger girls my age but they aren’t people I could go hangout with outside of work or anything, and then I’m starting a new job here in a few weeks but all the people there are older and have kids and are married and all that. Again not really anyone I see myself being amazing friends with. Over the years all of my close friends have turned on me and just left. The hard thing is it is so difficult for me to find friends. I’m always super interested in them and I want to go get coffee or go do this or that and they seem so disinterested so I back off and they never talk to me again. I would love to have a good girlfriend or two to go do things with but I just don’t know where to find girls that like the same things I do. And I would love to befriend his new friends girlfriend but she just didn’t seem interested in me at all while we were talking. My boyfriend says she’s super nice and everything and he has seen more of her than I have but I just don’t know. I don’t want my boyfriend to think I’m some crazy girl that doesn’t want him to have other friends because that’s not the case at all. I just hate sitting there at home alone all night while he’s out having the time of his life with his friends. I love to see him happy and having fun but sometimes I just miss when I could go do that with my friends. Is there any advice anyone could give? Does anyone know of some ways I could find friends? I know it seems dumb but I have just always had trouble finding friends growing up and throughout high school.

And to answer questions about how my boyfriend met the new friend, my boyfriend does team roping and rodeo and he met the new friend at practice the other night. The thing is I don’t rodeo and it is hard to do if you didn’t start really young. Rodeo is usually one of those things you grow up doing and not something you just jump into one day because you’re bored. Not to mention rodeo is very very expensive and I don’t have the money for that. And the girlfriend is a barrel racer. So she rodeos too. I’m the only one that doesn’t.