What should I do??

Kings_Mom • Mom of a handsome lil 1 year old baby boy

Me and my boyfriend been together for almost a year on the 26 of November we just move into our new apartment October 25 on the 27 he turn into a whole new person trying to argue we never argue in front of my child he also try to put his head on me so I told him to give back my keys to my house because it’s technically mine I pay the bills and my name is on the lease so he got really angry n put me n my child out the car and left us this day I left all my money at home I had no bus fair my phone had die so I had no way to call anyone my baby ain’t got no shoes or coat on he just left us I was so heartbroken because I never seen him act this way before I was scared of him for the 1st time we been together since my son was three months so he the only daddy my child knows so last night I get a call from him say he don’t got no where to go his mom not letting him back in the house he have to sleep in the car somebody rub his car while he was at work n took all his stuff I don’t know what should I do please somebody give me some words of advice🙏🙏😪