Low Sex Drive

We have been together for the past 3 years. And living for 2. When we went on our first vacation trip together, we would have fun during the day. But he would turn in early 10-11pm and we probably had 2-3 times sex. I was pretty disappointed for the lack of excitement in bed. And since we live together, he’s said he’s tired or has no need. But then I would find napkins of him when he had being jerking off, usually when I was at work. The arguments were the same and I began thinking it was me. After a huge row, he came clean that he has problems with Sex drive and takes pills that give him massive migraines as side effects. He showed me the packages he uses, and I have checked the package after we have sex if he takes them.

I told him many arguments could’ve been avoided if he talked to me about it. As sex makes or breaks a relationship, he said he was too embarrassed and afraid to tell me. Thinking of it now, I’m a bit angry that all this time he made me believe I was the problem, that somehow I was a nymph of some sort and he literally has lied to me. Should I confront him with this or do I let it go?