Being shamed after seeing weight/refused to help

Good morning! We have been trying for a second rainbow baby for a year and a half. We lost 1 to a missed miscarriage after our concerns were dismissed and our second pregnancy they denied I was even pregnant. We then had my daughter after switching OBs after being dismissed for a 3rd time by that office. When my daughter was 8 months old we had a rare ovarian ectopic our 3rd loss. We finally got referred to a fertility specialist and all was going so so well. We had a plan in motion to do bloodwork and an hsg for a tubal assessment. Once that was done we were going to start on medication to help me ovulate since that's why I was referred in and a sperm analysis as well. All was good to go and then she looked at my weight and took everything she said back and immediately demanded I lose weight before we go ahead with the plan we laid out. I am 196 currently and had lost 20 pounds before plateuing for the last 4 to 6 months in wt loss. She was adamant until I lose another 20 pounds she will not help us. Has anyone experienced this and left feeling embarrassed and shamed even though there was a whole plan until they saw your weight?