Do y’all see a faint line on this? Pic below

Ovulation unknown and a little over 2 weeks late according to the app…Usually have a 28 day cycle and was supposed to start my period on October 28th and it didn’t come and still hasn’t came. Went to get a blood test done but they wouldn’t do it and told me to take progesterone to start my period.. I haven’t taken it yet bc I wanna make sure I’m definitely not pregnant first. Been having period like cramps for the past 2 weeks but not all day everyday and they don’t necessarily hurt it just feels like I have gas in my lower stomach where my uterus is and then it goes away It’s more of an uncomfortable feeling rather than a hurt feeling. Also have sensitive feeling nipples sorry if that’s tmi. I just wanna know if y’all think it’s negative or positive. Please let me know your opinions thank you :)

Me personally I see a faint line but y’all know how line eyes are ;)

With and without flash