Tips to Prepare For Baby?

Danielle • Married 💍 Mama of one beautiful baby girl & baby #2 is on the way!

Hello again everyone, I’ve recently hit the 20 week mark and finally feel comfortable with wanting to start gathering things for our baby girl. Things are starting to actually feel real and I think now would be the right time to start preparations.

I also feel so overwhelmed and under prepared as this is my first, I have been told don’t stress because my baby shower will handle most things - but at the same time, what if it doesn’t? I plan on having a diaper raffle but I just don’t feel comfortable relying on something that isn’t a guaranteed amount of supplies

So I guess my question is, how did you all prepare for your babies? Was there a system you used? A budget every week? Let me know all tips and tricks!

PS : what sizes of clothing did you purchase while shopping for baby? how much of the sizes did you purchase? what are some necessities?