Toddler- vocal stimming

Anyone’s 2 year old scream/ screech randomly? Like my 2 year old will make very short screeching sounds, honestly kinda reminds me of a dolphin or a turkey 😂

She’s been doing it since she started to talk, I’m honestly worried it might be a more serious behavior. She has a doctors appointment soon, which I am going to bring it up but I wondered if anyone else is going through this?

Literally everyone (including family) looks at her so odd when she does it and laughs and says that they never seen a child do that before.

I was worried it might be a symptom of autism, but the ONLY behavior she does that makes me worry is the screeching and she does walk on her tip toes. But that’s literally it. She makes eye contact, she responds to her name, her speech is on track, she’s social. Like I don’t understand.
