19w and spotting after sex.


Hello ladies.

Looking for some encouragement here. I am 19+ weeks and have a partial previa/low lying placenta (last seen at 16 weeks and it was no longer overlapping my cervix, but still very close).

Hubby and I had sex this morning for the first time in weeks. Afterwards there was a small stream of blood and a little clot. It’s been brown blood ever since. Not actively bleeding just when I wipe and the occasional residue on a liner. I’ve got some small crampy feelings but nothing scary. I called the on-call midwife and she said to wait it out unless the blood turned back to red.

After multiple MCs I am just so terrified. I already don’t feel pregnant, now add in the blood and I’m just an anxious mess. And of course Hubby and I did the deed right before he flew out of state 🤦‍♀️

Any experiences? Advice? Encouragement?