Are you thinking about getting vaccinated?


Here's my little thought and rant...

I am a medical professional. I work in a really busy ER in the radiology dept as a CT tech. That being said, I was FORCED to get the vaccine. (My exemption got denied).

I understand that everyone has their own personal views and beliefs when it comes to the vaccine, but here's mine.

I was about 7-8 months pregnant when the pandemic hit. I kept working because I needed the money and did not have enough PTO to leave early.

As I continued to work we became short in PPE, so we were required to reuse our n95 and keep it in a brown bag.

Adding to this, half the patients I came face to face with did not have a mask on .. and I later found out that they were covid positive.

Long story short, I gave birth to a healthy baby boy and we were both ok.

Fast forward, my son is a year and 1/2 and the mandates have taken place.

Again, I can't afford to lose my job, so I had to get the vaccine.

After my first dose of moderna I had a migraine for 3 days. My second dose was yesterday and I feel like absolute garbage! I have chest pressure, a headache, I'm sweating but I'm cold, I have a fever of 101. The bottom line? This absolutely sucks and I just wanted to vent and see if others went through this??