TMI!!! (No Pic) Stool Question..

Lindsay • Just a small town girl with big dreams and hopefully a little one soon :)
I'm 34+6 today and since last night I have been having extremely loose stools. There has been no solidity to them whatsoever. I've been up every half hour-hour since about 5:30am to go to the bathroom. 
I'm exhausted, cranky and my stomach won't quit gurgling. 😔
My question is- has anyone else experienced this so early on and not gone into labor? 
I am usually hydrated, I don't eat like I probably should- but I try to make sure that not everything is junk. I'm just so frustrated right now... And I'm scared to think I could be going into labor sometime soon. 
My baby girl is moving around and kicking, still. But not as much as she usually does. I have an appointment on Thursday with my OB to have my cervix checked (it will be my 36wk appt). 
Ugh. 😩