Tired - Just Need to Vent


Long night with Benjamin, my preemie, 1 month old. He really struggles passing gas, and we think he was temporarily constipated, so last night he just screamed for about an hour. Really feeling led not to get anymore formula. Trying to trust God with my milk supply, but it’s really hard… Now we’re in the negatives with our bank account and I feel like it’s my fault since I keep the closer eye on our finances… I wanna fully work out, I wanna clean my house, I wanna eat, I wanna shower, I wanna DRINK. But I feel like I can’t do any of it… I wanna be able to breastfeed, but we can’t right now. It’s a lot of work for him still at this point, and, being in the NICU for 2 weeks he’s used to the bottle… I’m just mentally and emotionally exhausted…