4th trimester and fighting SO

Husband and I are first time parents to our 2 week old baby. Last night was pretty difficult she had been up crying until 4 am I finally got her down and went to sleep, idk if he stayed up some more afterwards. At 5-6 she woke up again crying I changed her and kept asking my husband to go warm up a bottle (I wasn’t able to bf) He didn’t wake up I asked him 3 times. I left her with him to warm up her bottle and as I’m going up the stairs I hear him yell at her with so much anger in his voice to shut the fuck up. I immediately took her from him fed her and put her back to sleep. Once she was down and my hands were free. I shoved him awake to get his attention asking him wtf is wrong with him to be screaming at a newborn in that way. He started yelling at me the same way he yelled at her. And I slapped his arm to get him to back off because he was starting to what seemed to me to buck up. He said I sounded like a broken record and was annoying him and then I told him I’m trying to get it through his thick head he can’t be yelling at a 2 week old for doing what babies do and poked his head while telling him that. At that point he sat up pushed me off the bed and started throwing built up bottles from the night before trying to get her to stop crying. I know I’m in the wrong and should have not put hands on him, I know that. But in that moment all I could think about is the way he yelled at her and was only thinking of protecting her. I felt so much fear when I heard him yell at her as I was going up the stairs. I imagined he was shaking her or something. It’s 2 in the afternoon he’s been upstairs asleep while my daughter and I are downstairs in the living room. This was our very first thanksgiving actually together and not oceans apart and as a family. I wanted to make dinner for us. The day is just ruined