How did Labour start for you?

I'm a couple days away from being 38 weeks, I haven't had one cervix check up during this pregnancy so I have no idea what's going on down there, but I have had a scan 2 weeks ago and also today, I have alot of amniotic fluid.

But today (couple hours after the scan) I've been having quite intense period type pains, only on my right side though very low in my pelvic area, where I imagine my cervix is, the pain travels towards my back, it lasts a couple mins then goes, I haven't been timing them but there's definitely a pattern and nothing makes them go away (walking around, lying down, sitting etc), after a while they completely stopped, its been a couple hours since and they've started up again. Ive been searching labour stages and I'm worried this may be early Labour, but I'm not sure, what if its just my muscles pulling or something? 🤷🏼‍♀️

How did your labour start if you've been through it before? What do ya'll think about my pains rn? I know it's just a waiting game now, see what happens, if it progresses or not but I'm worried 😅