3rd baby


Hey mamas! It’s been a while since I’ve posted here. Just thought it’d be fun to share with y’all. The beginning of march this year my Dec baby asked for a baby brother for her birthday. Laughing it off we told her no, we were happy with her and her little sister. When I tucked her in and she said her prayers she asked specifically for a baby brother. 6 weeks later we found out I was indeed pregnant, due January 5th. In July we found out that it was a BOY! 💙 we went to my 34 week appointment on Monday and due to having fast labors and the distance from the hospital (almost 2 hours, yay for living in such a rural spot) I would be induced on December 30th. My daughters 5th birthday!! When I say she cried tears of joy 🥺♥️. Hope you all and your little are doing well! Much love from my family to y’all’s!!