Any tips for transitioning to a chosen name

Mez • +they/them+ If my name changes it’s just part of my identity crisis🙃

Ive always had dysphoria over my name. I picked a nickname when I was really little and I greatly prefer it over my birth name, but it’s still not entirely me. I have a list of names I’d like to try from least to most favor:

Void(I’d rather use void/vois neopronouns than as my name but that might be a stretch since I live in southern Ohio)

Moss/Mawce(basic, feels more like an online persona)

Moth(feels slightly more practical and rolls off the tongue well)

Roman(simple, masculine, elegant, extremely practical, I have perked up hearing it in public thinking they might be referring to me before realizing no one knows i want to use it.)

Kanen/Kanan(pronounces same as Cainan/Canaan- practical, has a neat backstory, is also religious)

Mezereum/Mezereon, “Mez”(one of my favorite plants, means “desire to please” in floriography, pretty practical, elegant, gender neutral, would look great as a cafe/restaurant name: Mezereum’s-dream job is owning a restaurant)

Middle name kept the same-possibly my confirmation name as well, last kept the same or changed to mother/grandmothers maiden name

How do I bring it up to people and test them out? I want people to throw them at me and see what sticks, but im out to only 4 people and I only talk to one daily. That one is my boyfriend but he doesn’t entirely understand anything lgbtq and almost never uses my name in conversation so i feel like it’d be forced and nothing would feel right.