Had a fall..


So, today we were on our way out the door, I rolled my ankle slightly while walking down the steps while holding our 14 month old son, I fell down the steps, and obviously my quick reaction was to protect my son, it’s all kinda a blur, but he didn’t get hurt at all, didn’t even cry or act like anything happened. I scraped my knees and bruised my elbow. My ankle is a little sore. Thankfully I didn’t really land on my belly, probably because of how I was avoiding my son hitting the ground and getting hurt. I feel baby moving so I’m not too concerned, my elbow just hurts real bad when it’s touched😅 when I was pregnant with my son, I also fell because I tripped on a toy, and oddly enough I was also holding a baby, my daughter. But that time I face planted and busted my lip real bad and it was swollen twice it’s size. I think I was around 20-22 weeks at the time. Obviously my baby was ok then too cause he is here today 🤣 I guess falling/tripping while holding babies and being pregnant is now a thing with me 🙃