Help on which wallpaper for baby room same girl who posted a few days ago regarding not wanting to find out gender of baby till birth but dr office sent me gender on test results when asked not to.

So before my husband and I accidentally found out because our dr office corporate has been sending the gender even when parents do not want to know and don’t warn them…. (They’ve gotten a tremendous amount of complaints from patients apparently) it stunk we don’t have that surprise anymore but are pretending we don’t know in front of our family and friends. Before we found out (we are having a boy) we were thinking gender neutral French blue and creamy whites for nursery…. We now will still do this but my husband says I pick too girly of wallpaper (for one accent wall) the other walls in room are eggshell cream color). I was unintentionally choosing floral blue and white wallpaper. So I found these… the first one he says still looks a bit more feminine not gender neutral (I suppose it does there are butterflies), the second one (trees etc) is gender neutral but is it too busy? And the third one (stripes) does this look too boyish? Thank you!