Pink streak in CM 7w3d freaking out!


This is TMI.
I went to the bathroom and saw a light pink steak in my CM. CM is very thick and creamy and, apart from the pink streak in, it normal. I had sex yesterday ummm quite vigorously. Could this have caused the pink discharge? I had stomach pains today but no real uterine cramping... At least I don't think. But now I'm freaking out that his is a start of a miscarriage. It's too late to call my doctor and I feel that if I go the the ER they will think I'm crazy. 
I had my doctors appointment last week and we saw the hearbeat. I measured about 2 days behind but I have ovulated late. 
Any advice?! I'm so scared please tell me what to do!
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Most likely from the sex. I had that happen to me as well. 


Tiffany • Dec 14, 2015
I was around 6 wks. And it was a little more than a pink streak. But nothing blood red. Light pink like you described. I completely freaked out tho. Ugh. I've had miscarriages before and anything and everything worries me so I know how you feel.


Al • Dec 14, 2015
How far along were you? Was it just one little streak in the CM? Sorry for so many questions but we had to do infertility treatments and I'm just super worried


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Very strong possibility it's your egg implanting into your uterine wall. No big d


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I had that at 6-7 weeks for just a split sec and it went away. As long as your not cramping heavy with the spotting you will be ok and as long as it doesn't turn bright red. It's normal to spot up until like 9-10 weeks into pregnancy. 


Al • Dec 14, 2015
Thank you!