Toxic Baby Daddy🥲

i jus gotta put this somewhere cuz i feel crazy dealing with this, but basically im 6.5 months pregnant w this mans son and he is a narcissistic abuser. I’ve dealt w him physically, mentally & emotionally abusing me for almost a year, and sadly even being pregnant hasnt stopped him. I currently have a restraining order on him due to a previous incident months ago, but i mistakenly gave him another chance to save his family. Last night he came to my apartment after i broke up w him and told him to leave and he went crazy. like i opened the door to give him all his clothes and he jus stared at me, spit in my face, splashed his water bottle in my face and told me hes gonna make me pay for all the shit i put him through. (for the record we have both equally suffered these past months due to the consequences of our toxic relationship) i was so shook after he did this i ran into my apartment crying and he continued to spam me w texts and calls and voicemails all threatening me.

his messages from last night^^

anyways i wake up this morning to a missed call from him along w these^^

someone please tell me should i even let this man be on my sons birth certificate and at his birth? cuz as much as i have love for him, i see he is mentally unstable and it worries me to have him in mine and the babys life.

also if u guys have any similiar experiences please share your story, knowing i am not alone in these experiences is comforting.