Should I report my school bus driver??


Two days ago my bus driver and the bus assistant was complaining about the lgbtq community (I recently found out I’m bisexual and haven’t came out yet but it really pisses me off). Anyways they were saying how lgbtq is a sin and how god should punish them. Also they were talking about how the lgbtq community shouldn’t even be a thing. What should I do about it?

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I want to know why people say that lgbtq+ is a sin... But technically so is premarital sex and almost every person does that so they have no right to say that.


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Report it to the school. Fuck em. And as much as I want to scream kick their asses, physical violence isn’t the answer to verbal violence and 9/10 times, you can’t do anything.


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I'd definitely report that


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Honestly, if they were true followers and believers of God, they'd know God loves ALL. Besides, what's it to them? It is not their life. They ought to butt-out and mind their own business. And hopefully they are not trying to push that belief on the children.. I'd definitely report them if they are. People need to be who they are. If not, they feel trapped, scared, and maybe many other things. Not right of them to say that at all. Besides, they are not the ones to judge. God will do that himself when the time comes. So yeah, REPORT THEM!!!


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Honestly i would leave it to be everyone has their opinion he thinks that lgbtq is bad and? Ignore it you should report it if he said it directly to you but since you just overheard it its not really your business but leave it to be