Am I right or is she?

OK I post a lot here, I just enjoy getting other peoples opinions and with only two people in the company, we can't be impartial.

I manage the finances in the company. All of them. We have enough to get paid, pay all our suppliers, save a bit, etc. normally by the 10th of the month. No problem.

But every now and again my business partner gets a bee in her bonnet and wants me to be almost tyrannical about collections because she wants bonuses paid for no valid reason. She tries to dictate to me that I shouldn't accept payment plans, that I shouldn't offer payment dates, that I should basically dictate that you WILL pay by that date and that's just that.

I feel that's bad business, especially seeing that we're supposed to be a small, intimate company. So we have a client that we know pays late normally, but he's just assumed we know he pays late which is fine for me so I said I'm going to offer that he has to pay by X date.

She flat out said no, and then suspended his service because he hadn't paid as yet even though he asked to sort out the payment next week. I am angry at her because this ultimately just costs us clients and frankly, she's got no right to dictate what I should do in MY department when hers is an absolute mess.

Our late / non collections amount to about 5% month which I am to understand is normal so its not even that we're struggling or anything like that. She seems to forget we deal with people, small businesses, homes, etc. Not big corporations that if they don't pay its likely because they just don't want to.

Am I right or is she?