I just need someone to be on my side.

Humor me. Wednesday I am hosting a holiday cookie decorating party/play date for my toddler and her friends.

Sugar cookies are time consuming to make and I haven't had a lot of energy (early pregnancy). So, yesterday during my infant's morning nap, my toddler end I made a batch of cookies. They were a special recipe, only 1g of sugar. I don't mind my toddler having sugar from time to time, but my infant doesn't need all that. Since there will be several other babies her age there, I made a special batch for them. I pressed sprinkles into the cookies before baking, as these won't get frosted.

My infant wakes up and I take both kids to run some errands. I return and literally over HALF of the cookies are gone. I made about a dozen. 8 are missing. All the ones with the sprinkles.

My husband says, "I don't know what happened. While you were gone some guy came into the house and ate a bunch of cookies."

I was so mad! He thinks it's a joke. But he knew I was prepping for a party. No he didn't know they were a special batch and no I didn't tell him nor to eat them. He gets really upset when I bake and then ask him boy to eat it because it's for something else. But COME ON. Now I've got like no cookies for the babies! I don't have time to make two separate recipes again.


Before they were attacked.