Could I be pregnant?

We haven t been trying for a baby, but we haven t not been trying for a baby either. Recently my partner and I decided I should take a break from birth control pills To let my body do its natural thing. We have been using the pull out method which some say works, some say don t, but like I said, we arnt trying but we arnt not trying either. If it happens it happens. Anyways, I m an extremely anxious person, and I have this gut feeling that I m pregnant, but I can t take a test for a few more days. I haven t missed my period yet. But I have been reading online the signs and symptoms of very early pregnancy. Some woman experience nothing for a long time, some experience stuff very early on. I have had a few dizzy spells, but not very often. I have been peeing ALOT but it could very well be because I have been drinking a lot more water. I some times get this warm feeling in my tummy, and sometimes, very briefly, sharp pains in my tummy and where you normally feel PMS cramps, except it doesn t really feel like PMS cramps. I haven t been tired really not more that usual, but sometimes, not often I do feel suddenly tired and then I m back to normal. I haven t had any sore breats or anything like that, not spotting. I have had a few days of a thick white discharge but that has stopped for the most part. Occasionally I get a very brief headache, not often and not for long, but I very rarely ever get head aches. Ever. I m just curious if anyone out there had any insight.
 I have bee feeling slightly ill everyonce in a while now, off and on in mornings and a night but not enough to really make me puke.sometimes after I eat too. Just a uugh kinda sick feeling. My tummy feels warm on the inside and full. I also, seem more in tune with smells. I know no one can tell my I'm pregnant for sure other than my doctor. But I'm anxious and it's too early to take a test... Does anyone have any insight?