Sex has changed a lot since being pregnant

I’m 30 weeks and honestly me and my husband sex has gone down a lot. In both quality and quantity. We use to do it everyday now it’s like once a week.

And when we do do it he NEVER finishes. Like ever.

It’s not me who lost their sex drive by the way it’s my husband. He always use to be the one to initiate sex and now it’s always me. Sometime he even says no to me which makes me feel so low in confidence in myself i hate it so I just stopped asking him and starting watching porn to get off

We have spoken about this and his reasoning is that he doesn’t want to hurt the baby and it makes him feel weird because if he was the baby he ‘wouldn’t like it’ lmao.

If this is the case then I don’t mind and I understand but part of me is so insecure that I feel like the real reason is maybe he’s just not as attracted to me anymore?:( like I kinda let myself go during my pregnancy my body has lost its shape, my hair is not as nice as before because I stopped dying it and let my roots grow out. I just feel so ugly sometimes and it hurts to know that I can’t even make my man cum. What if this doesn’t change after having the baby? What if when we have sex after the baby he still can’t come? How will I give my son a sibling😩🤣