
Amie • 👫🏻 2011. 💍 2011. 🐶 2013. 👰🏻🤵🏻 2013. 🏡 2015.

My SO and I have been trying, pretty much since our wedding (8ish years). Not really trying just if it happens, it happens kind of thing. A few years ago we did have some testing done and were going to do some rounds of <a href="">IUI</a>. Well, More life got in the way and we never made it happen. The past 3 months have been rough. We haven’t been having sex like we use to (maybe once or twice). We talked a little about making an effort to save money to do at least a round of <a href="">IUI</a>. My concern is now he informed me the last 2 times he tried to pleasure himself (which I’m fine with, I know he does it) he said he felt like he orgasmed but there was no cum with it… his is type 2 diabetic but not sure how concerned we should be.

Any advice?