HCG 387 on 4 weeks exactly

Anita 💙💖👼🌈

Please don’t post the graph or picture about what your levels are or should be I already have it. Im looking for person experience. I know we’re all different and our bodies and pregnancies vary, but have any of you tested at or near 387 for hcg bloodwork? I was exactly 4 weeks that day. A little backstory to my question:

Im having a very hard time with my doctors office. Im actually in the process of changing doctors. I went in to my first appointment last Thursday (today is 8th day since) they did bloodwork to check hcg and progesterone. My doctor wanted me to go back on Sunday for second draw (3 days later) I went into the office, she wasn’t there, only the lab works sundays, they didn’t have an order in for me apparently she forgot to send it in. They couldn’t get a hold of her so I went home. I called the office back first thing Monday morning (4th day since my first blood draw) they told me to go in right away to get it done. I get there, there’s still no order and the doctor is in a different location 🤦🏻‍♀️ I spent 2 hours waiting until They ended up getting the order and taking my blood. Two days later I logged in my portal chart online and saw the results at 387 hcg but I couldn’t find the other one bc I did two! So I called and spoke with the nurse, she told me per doctors request they want me to do second blood draw to check if numbers doubled!!???? I explained that Monday was my second draw and she looked into the system and said the 387 was from Monday (second draw) but the first draw from last week (Thursday) 7 days from then at this point, was not received or added in their system idk how that works but strange that they received the results from 2 days ago and nothing yet from 8 days ago? Now I was told she’ll call the lab and call me back (yesterday morning) she never did. I called back later in the day yesterday, the scheduling department put a ticket in for the nurse to call me, she never did. I called again this morning and put in another ticket, no one has called me. At this point having had a miscarriage 2 months ago and having the fear and anxiety that was under control is now freaking out bc I can’t even rely on my doctor to keep me calm but instead they add to my stress. So please, I dont care about the charts, I don’t care about “checking hcg won’t guarantee you won’t have another miscarriage” I literally want to hear from ladies who have had less hcg levels than mine or around the same as mine and had a healthy pregnancy. This is more for my mental and anxiety relief 😑