Round 1 Clomid Complete - Symptoms and Experience


So this morning I finished my first round of Clomid! Feeling excited and hopeful. Dr prescribed to give me a boost, my last progesterone blood test after ovulation was 8.77 so it was gray zone. Hoping that Clomid gives us a nice boost, we are open to twins as well! Currently on CD 9, started on CD 5, the last day of my period.

Days 2-5 I had intense hot flashes but only in my face, and my extremities felt colder then normal. I didn’t feel anything the first day so that’s why I leave that day out. My emotions seemed pretty balanced and I didn’t really have the emotional rollercoaster I thought I would have but I did feel a lot more sentimental and loving, did not experience the moody and other end of spectrum. Even my boyfriend said that I was more lovey dovey. I did have a few glasses of wine while I was taking it and quickly learned that it definitely affects your tolerance, so I would say steer clear of alcohol!

I also didn’t experience cramps and insomnia until last night. I couldn’t sleep and tossed and turned and felt extremely bloated and kind of sore in my lower abdomen/uterus area.

Other than that, round one is done and now I start tracking OPK’s. I’m supposed to ovulate on 1/02/22 so wish me luck!!!

Any Clomid buddies this month?