Am I losing it?!

Kristina 💜

It has been a very stressful month due to a lot of personal reasons. My husband and I only BD once right at the beginning of my fertile window and honestly I didn’t track ovulation due to all that was going on. I kinda had to say oh well next month. Well I am now two days late and am always right on time if not early. I have taken who knows how many tests in the last few days (serial tester here regardless 🤦🏼‍♀️) and keep thinking I see something but not enough to even consider, just thought I was losing my mind. Decided to take an ovulation test just because I have some 🤷🏼‍♀️ and was surprised there was a line, not positive for ovulation but definitely a hugely visible line. I have seen where others have had positive ovulation and been pregnant so went a head and took two pregnancy tests, again serial test who has a surplus of tests, took a first response test strip, not the one in the case so don’t yell at me for opening, and one cheapie off Amazon. I swear I see something on the first response but I may just be losing it.

Top picture is original

Top test is the first response


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