Baby New Year

Cait • Josephina Marie 💕 12/31/21 - 8lb 13oz

Ms. Josephina Marie Colomy

After 13hr of labor & a quick 15 minutes of pushing, she was born 12/31/21 @ 1:21pm, weighing 8lb 13oz & measuring almost 21in long❤️💖

I delivered her while covid positive & very much symptomatic.

My husband was present for the induction & the entire birth, but wasn't allowed in recovery with me. I was quarantined in a room for 24hr, with a brand spankin new born, unable to sleep due to her needing me. She was not allowed to be taken out of my room either, due to exposure - I was just thrown right in to the deep end. But now that we're home (& finding out she did not contract the virus), all is well & we're taking as much time as necessary to adjust, all while her father & I are still symptomatic.