Being insecure

Anyone else struggle with being very insecure? I hate it here 😢🥺 my husband tonight was talking with my cousins husband and he was telling him about something he wants to do with life and he had said to have a gas station with women in bikinis and like fist bumped or whatever my cousins husband and I can’t help but to feel hurt by it. I know it’s me, I know the issue is me and I shouldn’t feel this way. But help. How do I fix feeling the way I do about this and just everyday feeling insecure? 😔 I’m sure I’ll get a lot of hate for this and I get it. I know a lot of women seem to not be this way but sadly I am 😩 i feel like it’s started when I’ve caught him looking at womens butts in front of me and I caught him and he always says they have a wedgie 🧐🤨🤨 help me fixxxxx me I’m broken lol