Any feedback would be greatly appreciated


My sweet little girl was diagnosed yesterday with pulmonary artery stenosis after having and ekg and ecg with the cardiologist. She’s 3.5 months old now And we were referred to the cardio at her 2 month apt after her ped dr found a murmur and thought it was a vsd. Turns out it was not and not with this new diagnosis we gave to go back in three months to see if her artery is growing properly. I was in such shock at the cardio apt I didn’t really ask all the questions I guess I should have and especially with a diagnosis like that that I’ve never even heard of till now I didn’t really know what to ask. But after doing the stupid mom googling I’ve certainly scared the shit out of myself… has anyone ever had anything like this with their little one? Any advice? Or what’s your story with what happened? Treatments? Anything?! I’m in a panicked daze now just driving myself crazy for the next three months to see what happens and panicking at every little sneeze she does now. Over all she looks and seems healthy she’s 14.2 lbs and 21.5 in long (a little on the short side but her dad and I are both short ) other than the scans you wouldn’t suspect anything other than at times her hands and feet are a bit of color until I rub her down to get some better circulation going. Which I just use to chalk up to her maybe being a little chilly or something but now I’m second guessing everything.