Cramps? Braxton Hicks? Round Ligament?


Hey Ladies,

First time mom, on my 3rd pregnancy… but so far this is the only one that I’ve made 2nd trimester.

I’m 22W today.. just looking for some advice or information on the different types of aches and pains.

I’ve been having pretty constant menstrual like pain, not bad at all maybe 3/10, just enough to be aware of it. It doesn’t go away for hours. I wouldn’t call it a cramp. It feels more like a big air bubble, with light pressure. I do believe baby is low, because I feel little kicks right by my right hip.

From what I’ve read it could be growing pains? Just wondered how everyone else feels or felt. My doctor didn’t seem concerned as I haven’t had any bleeding or discharge, but told me to go to L&D if it made me too anxious.