Birth Story- Susannah Mae (long post!)


Wow it’s been a week! My third baby, second daughter, and rainbow babe 🌈 was born Monday at 11:41PM!

Back story *** My story kind of starts around 32ish weeks when I started having some moderate all over body itching. I did not see any major rashing and my liver enzymes were normal. Forward to 35 weeks and the symptoms are still present but worse. I’m paranoid I have bugs, hives, etc and no amount of lotion is working 😩 by 36 weeks I go into LanD to have my enzymes tested for the third time. Still “normal”. Now I’m just defeated and confused. I took some of their advice and switched up some things that made it slightly better but night time was still rough. At my 36 week Appt my doctor gave me the option to induce around 37 weeks due to symptoms and the possibility of my liver enzymes needing more time to elevate. I was anxious and stressed all week long but took her up on the offer. I felt so much mom guilt having her come at 37+2 going into my induction, but the nurses ended up being like therapists for me! They were all so great!


I got to my hospital at 7:30 am and by 10am, they started pitocin. I was 2cm dilated but my cervix was still pretty high and thick, which made sense for my gestation week. This was the longest part. I spent most of the day dealing with contractions and once active labor really started, maybe 6 hours later, I was praying I was thinned out enough to get pain meds and then my water broke by my doctor! Luckily I was 5-6 at this point and had thinned out some so I got some pain drugs/meds until I could get the epidural. Somewhere in that time frame I had a lot of bloody show and then my water actually broke mostly on it’s own! Now it’s closer to 7-8pm and I get the epidural. The left side did not take super well so I was still having intense contractions down left side. The epidural also caused my blood pressure to drop and her heart rate to plummet. I had like 10 nurses in there while they turned me around on the chair and gave me an oxygen mask. I was terrified, legs shaking from hardly eating all day and everything going on. I heard “emergency c section” and was really scared. It’s something I’m still processing. They ended up getting me on my right side and praise God I was able to calm down and her heart rate stabilized! I was still having intense left side pain so they fixed my Epi and turned me sides. I actually got sat up to help gravity do some work, and that made me vomit! Luckily it worked though! I had been stuck at 8.5 for abit and sitting up really did the trick. Suddenly I felt more pressure and intense pubic bone pain even with my left side epidural mostly working. I spent 10 minutes pushing and she came out! I was slightly worried as I had tested GB strep positive and she had some meconium in her lungs. I asked maybe a million times if she was okay, but she came out a healthy 6lbs 6oz, 19 inches long (literally identical in size to my first born at 39W), she was breathing well and not jaundice at all. It’s been alot to take in and there are times I still have some itching but I’m thankful she’s healthy and God led me in His wisdom to get her here safely!! ❤️
