Stupid right boob


This makes me soo angry. My baby is now almost two months old I’ve been exclusively pumping the entire time and have had this problem since the first pump. My left boob feels like it over supplies and then my right barely does anything! Yes I’ve tried pumping longer on that one, latching baby to it, using warm compresses, massaging it inside the shower, outside the shower, while pumping, while using a hand pump, I’ve tried using just a hand pump, my husband has tried sucking on it (I know weird and gross to some but idc) he gets a good amount he says but it definitely doesn’t when I’m pumping. I’ve tried without the pumping bra, I’ve tried nipple creams on the inside of the pump, I’ve tried all flange sizes, different levels of suction,

I’ve talked to 4 lactation specialist and they tell me to do all the same crap I listed above. It just makes me soo mad. Does anyone else have a boob like this? Any suggestions?