Csection trauma... is this normal?
Hey ladies, i had a csection 4 weeks ago and am trying to cope with it and have some closure. It wasnt my original birth preference. I went through 36 hours of labour only to need a csection. I was meant to be awake for it and everything. Tbh im suffering some emotional trauma from it as im not sure if my experience was the typical experience or if it wasnt normal. I have a lot of trauma related to pregnancy, labour, birth and postpartum but I just need to hear some experiences from other ladies who have had a csection/emergency csection.
Here is a bit of a backstory...I was induced at noon on december 16th at 39 weeks with cervidil, about an hour later i started getting contractions... my water broke the next day at 11:30am, i was gbs positive so i went in to L&D right away. They let me labour for a while but I wasnt really progressing so they started me oxytocin which got the ball rolling but VERY slowly. I did get an epidural at 4cm. After 36 hours of labour i was dilated to 8.5cm but my cervix was partially hard still and baby was still high up in my ribs..there was signs that something wasnt 100% right and preventing me from progressing, i was also extremely exhausted as my epidural did not work so i was having extremely painful contractions for 36 hours straight that were like 1-5 minutes apart the entire time. I got no sleep. I decided on my own i wanted a csection. Even if i could potentially progress and baby would drop, i didnt have the energy or mental strength to push a baby out. The OB agreed and i was rushed in for a csection.
When i got in there it felt pretty typical. they prepped me, gave me drugs through my epidural and made sure i was numb before beginning. About 5 minutes in i began to feel extremely tired... abnormally tired. I couldnt keep my eyes open. My heart rate was in the 150s and i felt like something was wrong. I felt like if i closed my eyes i wouldnt wake up. I had to will myself to stay awake. I told this to the anesthesiologist and she told me to just go to sleep. I dont remember my son being born. All i remember is trying to keep myself alive. I have no idea if it was the drugs making me delusional or if something wasnt right but i felt like i was dying. I see pictures of myself smiling with my son on my chest but dont remember taking pictures or who took them... i briefly remember holding my son but thats it. I have a lot of emotional trauma from this because i just dont remember his birth. Is this normal? I was also given Morphine during the section when im allergic to it and the nurse told the anesthesiologist that before hand.
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