Why is my 6 month old eating less


Hi mamas! So my 6 month old has been introduced to some solids. Most of the time he’ll only eat a few spoons full. The most he’s eaten is a total of two tablespoons of cereal and apple sauce mixed. He doesn’t drink as much breast milk either way, even if he doesn’t eat as much. It seems like he drinks maybe 1-2 oz at a time. There can be a gap of three hours and he doesn’t care to eat. If he does again it’s like 1-2 oz. Is this normal or a cause for concern? He’s not losing weight. FYI: his sleeping pattern is not good! He is co sleeping because if not I can’t get any sleep because he wakes up and wants to be comforted next to me. He doesn’t naturally stay awake. It’s just hun waking up and kind of whining until I pick him up and breastfed him back to sleep. Mostly not wanting his pacifier. Thoughts? All help is appreciated!