Can’t work out the position 🤣

I’m 36w pregnant and baby has been breech for a few weeks.

At one point I could confidently agree with that through the movements but now I just cant tell anymore 😩

I’ve “dropped” so somethings working it’s way into my pelvis but I can’t work out which end. I get most movement up top, not kicks though more strong pushy out sensations the sharp kicks stopped a few weeks ago the movements are all pushing/rolling now. But I also get pushing sensations against my pelvic bone too like somethings running against the inside of my hip.

I also get little fluttery sensations (hands?) top and bottom too. Then sometimes I’ll try and work it out from hiccups but once again I can feel them both top and bottom. I physically feel them internally when they’re happening but if I lay a hand on my stomach the hiccups are strong enough to make my belly twitch - but both ends twitch 🤣

Definitely one in there but I joked to my OH what if they missed one and there’s two haha but from the above can anyone else tell me if they have the same kind of movement and if baby is breech or head down?