I was never gonna marry my gf

I accidentally deleted my post and was so pissed at myself. I was feeling emotional when I wrote it so I was annoyed when I accidentally deleted it and didn't want to bother even typing it again... But now I'm emotional again so here we go again. When I was 16 I came out as bisexual and got kicked out. My dad said he wouldn't have a fag for a son. I went through a process to get emanicipated. I had an apartment with the independent living program. I was at this grocery store one day. And I ran into him. A guy named George. I was holding my groceries and waiting for him caseworker to get me outside. George and I had a short conversation. Next time I went there we ran into each other again. He was 18. We exchanged numbers and talked for days... He was gay. His dad disowned him too. He was my first boyfriend. Then 6 years later. I popped the question. We were gonna have to go to a state where gay marriage was legal. So we moved. We walked in pride together every year. George was my person. We eventually moved back to our home state. And shopped at the grocery store we met at. When gay marriage became legal in all 50 states we had a party. However... That same year George went riding on his motorcycle. I had cops at my door telling me my husband had been killed by meathead women who was driving. My world shattered. I became clinically depressed. He was my everything. It took about 3.5 years before i dated again. However I never was gonna get married again. That's just how I personally felt. I went down a bad road of sex to cover up pain. Then I caught herpes.... I went by the grocery store i met George at. I was smoking and a women asked if she could have a light. Linda was her name. I said sure. I went inside to get my medication for my herpes and the fucking sane homophobic pharmacist still worked there. Jared. Linda was there and Jared says to me "I always expected you be coming here for AIDS not herpes. So obviously I have to beat his ass. And I would have if Linda didn't stand up for me ans tell him to stfu and mind his business. That's how we became friends. She helped me get into therapy and later we became more than friends. She respected that i never wanted to get married and my love for George will always be there. I always thought it was interesting how i met her at the same place I met George. I overheard her one day tell her mom she did want marriage but respects my decision. I went to bed one night.... I had a dream I was back at the grocery store. i was hugging my knees. And there's George. He hugged me and said he loved me. I said i love you too. He kissed me and said it's okay. I was confused and he said "It's okay for you to move on". I said i didn't want it to be like I replaced you. He said "You can't get rid of me. I'll always be here for you. Now you go be there for Linda". I woke up and woke Linda uo and said will you marry me. She thought I was drunk lmao. Our wedding day I visited the little memorial i have for George above the fire place. I said I love you and for the first time... Took off my wedding ring. I left it with my memorial. I still will wear my wedding ring and wedding ring from me and Georges marriage on Holidays. Me and my wife have been married 7 months. Today is me and Georges wedding anniversary. I just put my ring on with Linda's and called it a day. But Linda surprised me with driving me to his grave. We had a picnic and she gave me a bit of alone time with George while she got wine. I never knew I could love someone as much as I love George. Linda came into my life when I needed her most. oddly enough at the same place I met George. Linda showed me my heart can grow. George was the best husband i could ever gave. Linda is the best wife.

The reason I got emotional again was because my wife saw it and told me how much she loved me. And thanked me for allowing her to love me and how happy she is to share my heart with George.. Then made a joke that she has to die before I do because her and George have to work out a custody agreement😂

Linda deserves the recognition💛💙💚❤

Edit: I promise I did not lead my wife on. She always knew I never wanted to get married again. I was always upfront with my feelings. Linda has never tried to erase George from me. Which I think is one reason I was afraid to get married again. Shes always honored his memory with me. I would never lead someone on. It took a long time for me to open up that part of my life again. And age was always patient and accepted me.