Buying things for your baby before your pregnant?

autum • 27 country girl 🌻 One miscarriage and one chemical TTC hoping for a rainbow baby soon!

I had two miscarriages and already have things from those pregnancy’s but a email showed up with a really cute blanket that says Limited addition. Do you buy it or no because I am always scared it was going to jinks me of getting pregnant again.

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I did buy a couple things for that reason, that I knew they might not be available when I got pregnant or I wanted to surprise my husband with them when we got our positive test. You won’t jinx yourself ❤️ it’s ok to have hope and faith


autum • Jan 24, 2022
Thank you !


Posted at
I’m not pregnant yet but I’ve bought a couple of things (a onesie and a book) that I thought were too cute to pass up and I kind of see them as a fun hopeful thing. It could be a cute story when after a future baby is actually born and here, a sort of “I bought this for you before you were even in my belly because I just couldn’t wait to meet you”. I’d say go for it.