So lucky our baby is ok ❤❤❤

Shelbi 🤱🤰❤ • Wife, mamma & crazy animal lady!

Yesterday we had a snowstorm. Dropped my husband off at work and was coming into the house from my car. I slipped and went flying on a patch of ice hidden under snow. I'm 38 weeks pregnant and falling has been my BIGGEST fear, and it unfortunately came true yesterday. I went down HARD, but managed to curl my arms around my belly, turned to my side and tucked up as tight as I could to protect baby the best I could cause I knew I couldn't catch myself. Felt fluid come out as soon I hit, and then pain, all over my side, back, belly and legs. Called my husband screaming, all I could manage was "I fell hard and hit my belly" and then I just kept yelling about the baby. I couldn't stop honestly I was just screaming because I was horrified and thought she had to have been hurt because I was in so much pain. I get panic attacks and the fear that I hurt our baby was too much. Managed to crawl into the house because it was still snowing and I was afraid the cold would hurt her too if I stayed outside. He got here in 2 minutes (thankfully he happened to be driving by our house to get to a job). Called an ambulance when he saw me laying on the floor screaming about the baby. Husband checked me and said I had some fluid and a little bleeding, and then he softly held me by the shoulders. He told me God would protect the baby but I needed to calm down because if she was hurt, my blood pressure being high would make it worse. Thank goodness for him because that knocked the sense back into me and I just closed my eyes and took deep breaths. Ambulance arrived, loaded me up and kept asking if I was sure I wasn't pre eclamptic because how high my bp was. I forced myself to breathe slowly the whole drive to the hospital. Got there and they brought us right up to L&D. We got put on the fetal and contraction monitor and they ran tests to make sure my water hadn't broken. I was so relieved when I heard her heartbeat. Water wasn't broken. Just some mucous plug and discharge came out. I had real contractions for an hour but they slowed down and became irregular. Nurse said it was good I was able to turn and fall on my side instead of straight on the belly. I was able to go home after 4.5hrs. Today I am in so much pain I can't stand up straight and I'm limping, I've got lumps and bumps and minimal range of motion in 1 arm and my legs. Keep having cramps on and off and my head kills. I've had some contractions again but not consistent. But God protected my baby.She is ok and that's all I asked for. She's been active all day. I just had to write it out because I've never been so afraid, falling was my worst fear and it happened and I felt like I failed our baby. I'm just so glad she's ok 🥺❤