Want more kids


Hi! I’m a 34 year old mom to 2 boys. One is 6 and the other 3. My 3 year old was diagnosed at around 2.5 yrs for asd. He is nonverbal. He hits himself a lot when upset. So far this journey has been super stressful. But we are making great progress. No words yet but we have hope. I’m my sons favorite person. He doesn’t show a lot of affection to everyone. But with me, all the time. He kisses my forehead throughout the day. He is my world. My mini.

I always told myself that I’d be done having kids by 35. I turn 35 this year. Around the time of my sons diagnosis, I had a miscarriage. It was really rough on me. But I also know that maybe God knew I needed to focus on my son at the time. I want a daughter and I know that isn’t guaranteed. But I want more kids. But I don’t know how that will affect my son. I have baby fever all the time. But I stop myself. I don’t want to take away from my son. But it makes me so sad when I think that that is it.

When did you decide to have another or did you decide that was it? What was your factoring? Was it hard when you did have a baby? How did your ASD child react to the change?