No gifts "just in case."

My baby is my mom's first grandchild. It will be my grandmother's first great grandchild. My mom is super excited and is buying my unborn child a Christmas present.. okayyyy cool. I understand she's excited. My mom was telling my grandma about the gift. My grandma said she wasn't planning on buying anything until after the baby is born..."Just in case." In case what? My baby dies?!?! I know I've had 3 miscarriages in the first trimester. I found out it was for genetic reasons! I'm 27 weeks now and everything is going perfect. Why do some people have to spoil the fun? I feel like I shouldn't even have a baby shower. It is pointless because ya know, "just in case." But not really. I'm not really looking for advice, just making a hormonal pregnancy rant. Thanks for listening. :)