Did COVID change your cycle?


I tested positive for COVID last month in December a few days before New Years <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a>. I was on my period at the time, and it went normally.

I was sick with flu-like symptoms for I’d say a solid week to a week and a half, and then continued to have sinus issues and headaches for another week afterward.

My period (the first one since having COVID) is now past due by 6-7 days.

There is nooooo chance I’m pregnant- I have an IUD and my husband has had a vasectomy. Despite that, I still also took a pregnancy test yesterday for peace of mind since I know vasectomies sometimes fail and was also told my IUD had moved (though my on/gyn said it wouldn’t affect its performance and wasn’t in a concerning place- just up enough where I couldn’t feel my strings anymore) and the test was of course negative.

I’ve still had some mild cramping, mood swings/emotional symptoms, and breast tenderness…… but no period. I am normally very regular and start within a day if not ON the day of my expected start date, so I’m baffled.

I’ve tried to look online but only seem to be able to find how the stress of quarantine has disrupted cycles, not covid itself. I’ve made an appointment with my doctor, but I use VA healthcare and my appointment is a month and a half out 😂

I was just curious if any other women experienced a delayed or missed cycle after having COVID??