Baby sleeping waaaay too much?


I promise I’m not bragging lol I’m genuinely concerned. I feel like my baby eats, is awake for half an hour at most and if we don’t put her down for a nap she is unbearably cranky. 2 days ago she slept from 8:30 pm till noon the next day and ate once during that time and fell right back asleep. So she woke up at noon and then went back to sleep for the night at 6:30 pm till 9am because she couldn’t stand to be awake anymore. AND she took a 2+ hour nap during that 6.5 hour awake time as well. I thought my last daughter was a great sleeper but this baby is on a whole other level. It feels like I never see her because she sleeps so much and it’s hard for my husband to bond with her because basically after she eats, she’s ready for another nap and super cranky. She is exclusively breastfed. Is this normal? Should I have her looked at for anemia or something? I know babies go through growth spurts but I feel like she’s been sleeping this way for weeks now.