Obsessive Ex.


So I was with my children’s father for almost 7 years. We had three children together. 5 out of those 7 years he was basically incarcerated (I know, I sure did pick him lol). Anyway At the end of 2020 he was arrested again (which was no surprise).

I decided I was OVER having a relationship with him. But I’ve decided to let him still be in his children’s life when he is released but with stipulations in place. He had a drug problem. Do you think it would be asking too much to demand he go to NA meetings and counseling before he can 100% be back in our children’s lives?

He’s also quite obsessed with me. He calls a million times a day and even had one of my family members stalking my social media to see if I was with someone else. Months ago I told him I didn’t want to be with him anymore and he is in denial about that decision. I finally told him I was seeing someone else recently because he just CANNOT get it through his head that I don’t want to continue our relationship. Has anyone had experience with going to counseling with an ex? I just feel like he won’t hear me or any of my family. I want to have a professional on my side to help him move on with his life.

I’m just afraid that if he continues with these obsessive behaviors I will have to seek legal help. 😕